The Mad Housers

WRFG Radio Event July 30

Mad Housers will be tabling at the WRFG Block Party, see you there!

Tags : mad housers little five points WRFG radio free georgia horizon theater

Mad Housers Volunteer Survey

Mad Housers volunteers and friends,


As a reminder, we are conducting a small survey to learn more about your experience with the Mad Housers.  The survey is very short and should only take about 5-10 minutes to complete.  We haven't had many responses yet, and we could really use your input.


All responses are anonymous unless you choose to provide contact information and indicate that you would like for us to contact you about volunteer interests.


Thanks for your participation!  Here is a link:

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Big thanks to "Do Good Experience" group!

We had a great double-header build last Saturday.  In the morning a group of volunteers came by the warehouse to build the panels for a low rider, and then a few families from the Do Good Experience Conference joined us after lunch to deploy the panels in the field.  We had more than one logistical challenge, but at the end of the day the build was a great success, and one more homeless person is sheltered.

Many thanks to everyone that participated!  It was hot, the air quality was lousy, and we had some serious clambering to do in order to get the panels to the site, but everyone helped out very enthusiastically and without complaint.  The Do Good Experience kids all tried a few new construction tasks, and it seemed like they learned a lot.

We hope to see all of Saturday's participants at some future builds.  Many thanks for your participation, and we really enjoyed working with you!

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New low-rider hut

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Truly Living Well Urban Farm

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Open Hut Fundraiser

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Georgia State's Sigma Nu Volunteers in South Atlanta

More photos can be found here.

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New Build Leaders

While we definitely all love our Nick and all the leadership he provides, a bunch of us have been trying to get trained up on how to lead builds without him standing over us.  This weekend we had a fair measure of success!

The build didn't go nearly as smoothly as some, and there were quite a few lessons learned, but in some respects the goofs made it that much more fun.  The important thing to realize is that you can make mistakes, and most of them are easily fixed after a little head scratching.  Although it took us a little longer to get the panels constructed, we were still able to deploy on Sunday according to schedule with the help of the volunteers from Architects for Humanity.  One more person is now sheltered!

So with that in mind, please come join us at one of our builds sometime.  If you have a good time and like to laugh at yourself, you may be a candidate to be a build leader, too!

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