The Mad Housers

New Build Leaders

While we definitely all love our Nick and all the leadership he provides, a bunch of us have been trying to get trained up on how to lead builds without him standing over us.  This weekend we had a fair measure of success!

The build didn't go nearly as smoothly as some, and there were quite a few lessons learned, but in some respects the goofs made it that much more fun.  The important thing to realize is that you can make mistakes, and most of them are easily fixed after a little head scratching.  Although it took us a little longer to get the panels constructed, we were still able to deploy on Sunday according to schedule with the help of the volunteers from Architects for Humanity.  One more person is now sheltered!

So with that in mind, please come join us at one of our builds sometime.  If you have a good time and like to laugh at yourself, you may be a candidate to be a build leader, too!

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