So, an update!
Jul 11, 2013
I'm pretty bad about keeping up on the blog posts. Here's the situation so far:
- We have moved into the new warehouse! A great big THANK YOU to everyone who camed out on the big day. Now, at the time of this writing (7/2013) it's stll a huge mess in there and is lacking plumbing (yikes), but we continue to pick at it and in the meantime we're still producing shelters for our clients. Plumbing has been promised by our landlord by September.
- We'll be having an open house / BBQ so folks can come check it out. That's going to be on the Saturday, July 27th, from 11 'til 3, at 2175 Worthem Ave, Atlanta GA 30311. Come on by!
- On August 8th, there will be a charity boxing match where Crys "No Fear" Fagan will be fighting for the Housers! The match will be held Thursday, August 8, 2013 from 7:00pm until 10:30pm at Puritan Mills - more info here, buy a ticket here. Be sure to mention the Housers!