Bill, con't
Oct 2, 2010
From Frank Jeffers:
We thought we'd put together take up a collection to help Bill's spouse. If you can spare it, please consider donating.Not many of today's crop of Madhousers remember Bill Callison. He was one of our stalwarts early on. He lived a number of years at Stewart and managed the gencar. He also was along on the somewhat mad expedition to build the 10 x 10 hut at Union Agricultural Institute in North Georgia.
He utilized the increased capabilities of the 8x8 he lived in, and the capabilities of the gencar , to maintain a normal enough lifestyle he could stay employed in responsible jobs. Recently he managed an apartment house he lived in. A few days ago, attempting to intercede in what likely would only have been a $100 stick-up in the apartment building, he was shot and died soon afterward.
The first time I saw Bill was at Stewart Avenue, when he came hiking out of the woods, an immense pack on his back. That must have been 1993 or 1994, and so I knew him 16 years. He certainly will be sorely missed by everybody who knew him.